About Us
Financial Support for CPE of Central CA
Clinical Pastoral Education is a key component of the professional training and certification for hospital, jail and prison chaplains as well as for clergy caring for those who have special needs in a time of crisis. Our purpose is to provide experience based theological education for seminarians, clergy, faith community nurses, and lay-persons of diverse cultures, ethnic groups and faith traditions.
The lack of local educational opportunities results in a shortage of qualified individuals who can provide professional pastoral care to our valley neighbors and families. Recognizing this disparity between the great need for qualified pastoral care and the lack of educational opportunities, CPE of Central California set out to bring an accredited training program to central California.
Training Center
CPE of Central California is a collaborative representing hospitals, faith communities and local educational institutions responding to train and keep dedicated professional chaplains here in our own communities. Students will receive training consisting of both academic and direct clinical supervised experiences.
The Affiliated Hospitals/Institutions
Valley Children’s Hospital of Central California
St. Agnes Medical Center
Community Medical Centers
Kaiser Hospital
Kaweah Delta Health Care
Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary
Catholic Diocese of Fresno
Muslim Spiritual Care Services, Fresno CA
These partners are supporting this vital endeavor by providing classroom space as well as clinical experience placements. MB Biblical Seminary will anchor the program by offering classrooms, library access, and faculty resources.
We are currently operating on a budget of $200,000. We are relying on hospitals, corporations, grants and individuals to help us accomplish this great ministry.
Your partnership and tax-deductible donation will help ensure that qualified and certified men and women in pastoral care will be available in your family’s time of need.